Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween in Miss Frizzle's Class

Today is Halloween around the globe and here in Miss Frizzle's class!  Today we will be enjoying Halloween treats, learning about Halloween safety, and Miss Frizzle has a few surprises up her sleeve!  Tune in tomorrow to read all about our fun and surprising day:)

-Miss Frizzle's Class

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Am a Peacock

Schema By: Mrs. Hall

Research says that the most proficient readers activate their schema before, during, and after reading... 


 I believe that readers who activate their prior knowledge get PUMPED up before and during their reading.  Every time I challenge my students to think, talk, or write about their prior knowledge, they are much more excited to read their books!  Their curiosity is sparked.  Their minds are in gear...and their brain begins to automatically ask and answer questions during their reading.   I encourage you, at home, to challenge your students to activate their "Schema Files"!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Shared Writing By: Mrs. Hall

We just wrapped up "Small Moments" and our "I'm" we venture into another author study.

However, this week, we are taking three days to focus on using complete sentences to help our reader visualize the text.  We are also taking this week to be accountable to our peers for writing FULL and COMPLETE sentences.  We have a lot of great things going on as writers, and for this, we celebrate! 

We also understand that we have a lot of great work to do in the area of writing stories that incorporate writing elements that help us clearly communicate our story to our readers.  Be waiting for the shared writing projects...

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Small Moment By: Mrs. Hall

A sweet blessing from today.  So thankful for my students and their parents...

It was hot, and the smell was unpleasant.  My fifteen year old attitude was in full bloom.  Not to mention my comfort level amidst the scene of elderly sick people was at the point of alarm.  I felt very uncomfortable.  There I was, in the middle of Oklahoma, in a nursing home with my sweet aunt and grandma visiting my Aunt Mildred on her death bed.  The sound of beeping machinery and alarms were present filling my mind with forebodings of what I could witness that day.  From across the room my aunt mouthed the words “Go get your cd and sing to her”.  I couldn’t believe my aunt’s request.  Her face was something not to argue.  She was kind, but stubborn, and what she wanted, she got.  I nodded and walked out the doors and out into the Oklahoma air that hit me like a brick and got my cd.  I then walked back into the tension filled room…and began singing.  The music melted the tension and suddenly breathed life into my own reluctant spirit.  I’ll never for that day, that moment when I took my sweet Aunt Mildred to another place far from the dreariness of the present.

The posts to follow are of a moment  in time that stood out in my student's minds.  Some moments are really funny and some of them hit straight to the point and will leave you with a bit of understanding of their life.    Welcome to our class of "Small Moments"...

The Treehouse by: Snitzelheimer

By snitsolhimar  the tree house and other storys

My Grandpal  and my dad are biluding me and my brothers and sister      a tree house but my Grandpal and my dad are not finished becase we havint bin there in not sauch a louge time  

Pacers game

Before going to the game we got my cousin Jordan, she dances for the Pacers.  I went to the pacers game with my grandmal marsha she bot me some weird things, when you bang them together they make a weird noise.  We only stayed for three quarters of the game, and when were leaving the Pacer's mascot he was shooting out shirts from the shirt cannon.  I did not get one.

My Mom House

Me and my sister wanted to go to ohio to see our mom and we was  happy when we got there.    And before we left I ate ice cream n then we left and when we left I cried and so did my sister.  and then when we went to my grandmas house.

The Scary Mistake By: Miriam

The Skary Mestake

      ONE day a few years ago, my teacher did not read the bottom of my note.  I went home instead of going to ASAP .  When I got home I did not see anyone there.  I rang the door bell no on answered.  I was scared.  One hour later my dad drove in the drive way.  He got out of the car and said to me, "Where were you?  I looked everywhere for you.   You were supposed to go to ASAP!"                      

Salamone by: James Bond


      We were driving down the road to Salamonie and we got lost, but finally we got there and set up.  At the swamp… ‘‘hey!  I got one!’’ I was pulling rely hard. This is the part where  my dad helps’ me pull it out!  When it was out my dad said it was 14 inches long!  The end!!!!!!!

When I Went To Crazy Pens By Braylon Judy

One day my   mom drove  a  car to  go to crazy pens.  I played the                in the ball       pet and games.  mom  and       me went home.  Then I ate dinner. Then I went to bed.

         By   Braylon     the…end

When I found a iPod by: skateboad

When I found a iPod

     I went to the park. I thot I would be tird so I toke my bike.  My cousin’s they went with me to the park.  I climd the big rock.  I felt something and it was a iPod

I ran the base by:Shadow

I Ran the base
I ran the base at the tin caps game then I got to pith the ball then we went home then wen we got home 

When I Went To Florida by: Martino

When I went to flowerda

The time I went to flowerda it was cool all the trees where haging over it was like a cave.  Then we got  thare I went in the hot tub.  and then we went in a pool.  And then we went to the lime tree.  And then we stade for 5 days and then after that we went home it takes a day to get home.

By Gavin martin

The House Of Storm By:Savannah


One wet day I was with my friends in a shed. I was eating a Popsicle when , it started to rain. so we went inside to get some more things to stay safe with. By the time we got done it was raining hard so we had to run to get back.

The End!!

On LaborDay Weekend By Brihanna

On LaborDay weekend
I want to art’s country park I staid out there for 4 days when I got there with my family we got set up . then we went swimming in the pond then when I got out of the pond  because It was getting cold. And I went back to the camper. And we had a bon fire at the camper!! And that’s the end of my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I went to the chines restraint by;Adrian

When I  Went  to  the chines  reshrot
I had  nudus  and egg  rolls and after
That  I went to the hest festal I got a pone
ride and it was fun and funny and then I got.
Off of the pone ride and.  I saw ast

A Storm by:Adia Selleck

A     storm 
One day at home a taunt stored I had to go In the bathroom For hours and hours then it   Stopped  my  mom.When  outside  and. It   woes    raid.

When I Broke My Arm by Isaiah

I Broke My Arm

My brother and I were playing on the third Grade play ground.
I got on the monkey bars then I fell on my arm and broke it.
Then I went to the hospital.
Then I got ice cream.
Then the doctors put on the cast.
Then me and my mom went home.

Tincaps By:TinMan

I went to the tincap’s game.  with my cousins. Before
You come in you get food. I got to go to the play aery.If you want to play had to pay a strain a mont of tickets.Be for you go home you get to wach fireworks andShot out balls and t.shirts it was fun.                      

Going To That Place by:dog lover

I’m going to that place that place I love that brings joy
I love that place!!
Do you want to know what that place is.
You do? 
Will let me think.
It’s with Grandma and Pappy!!
Well you can trust me on that.
They are the loving kind I hope you have the loving kind to or you are the loving kind.  
I want you to be loving to other’s and be nice and joyful and peaceful.


Funniness By Awesome

One day mom, Abby, and me were cleaning…………. and Abby realized there was a pencil behind the couch.  So she reached down to get it but then she realized she was stuck! And she tried and tried but she couldn’t get out!  But luckily mom and me got Abby out. It was almost the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was awsome just like my code name!

The Day At The Splash House By:AwsomeGirl

The Day At The Splash

One day I went to the splash house with my cousins Juli,Isaac,Jessica,my sister,
My brother,my mommy,me!
Then I went to the bathroom to put on my bathingsuit.
Then I went in the pool.
Then I got some nochos it was yummy!!!!! Then we got back in the pool for 10 more minets.  Then we went home.  I played at Juli's house!  It was awesome!  Hopefully I can go next time!
The End

My Brthday by Gracie

My  Birthday.
On  my  Birthday I  got  a  purse.
I  got   a  puzzoll.  My   cuzen   got Me  a   litte brbe Gril.  I    got brbe Cloes  and    brbe Shoes.  then  my Dad   brot   me Home  and my Dad   got
Me   a    bike .      

 by            Gracie    
       The  End

My Dace Recital by; Gimnest

I went  to my  dace recital.  I  was scard  to  dace infrot of a lot of  people!  But I  did  it enewas.  After I did it I woneted to  do  it  ugenn.  When   I  was  dune!  I went  to  fineiy and  dacet.  After  the  dace  recital  I  went  home.  My  mom  and  dad  said  I  was  relly  good.  I thot so too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          THE  END  

The last time i went fishing by:Ava

I went fishing at my grate grandma’s house .It was sad because my grandma died .I caught one fish when we got there .We went down to the nadirs and fed the goat a warm .After that we went to the house and ate cake .Then we went fishing some more .Then at the end I caught a big fish .

The Time It Rain By:Ezra

The time it rain

When my family went on a walk to the school.  When we got to the school.  We played then we went to the gas station me and my cousin try to make it rain.  It works!  It rained. We ran to the school!  I lost my shoe at the school!

                 By Ezra

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Summary of Encyclopedia Brown by: Awesome

The Marvelous Egg page number 38 and 40.

Wilford is a High School drop out and his only exercise was watching Monster movies.  Wilford called a meeting at the city dump at 2 O'clock.  He told everyone to bring an egg and all there money.  When all of the children got there, there was a skydiver standing next to Wilford.  Then Wilford told everyone to look at their egg.  And they all said, "Round!"  Wilford took a small box out of his pocket.  And said" the egg inside this box isn't round......IT'S SQUARE"!   Then all of the children shoted out possibilities!

     Read Encyclopedia Brown to solve the mysteries.
And there are a lot of mistortys!

The Summary of Encyclopedia Brown by: James Bond

Encyclopedia is on it, again.  See if Bugs can outsmart him.  10 hard mysteries to solve with the famous boy detective!  1. The case of the giant mousetrap 2. The case of Bugs Meany, thinker 3. The case of the grape catcher 4. The case of the left-hander's club 5. The case of the diving partner 6. The case of the upside-down witness 7. The case of the marvelous egg 8. The case of the overfed pigs 9. The case of the ball of string 10. The case of the thermos bottle.

I will be talking about the case of the diving partner.  Otis is doing a diving job, and not getting much money!  His job is taken over by Helga the horrible ops... I mean Helga Smith.  Helga says that she has dived for 9 balls and a putter what is the proof that she didn't?    

Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm a Nut by: SuperWoman

I'm Growing By: Dog Lover

Dedicate this book to everyone!!Find a heart on the tail of Leyna.  Find a circle  on the tail of Brihanna.  Find the circle on Leyna head.  Find the heart on Brihanna head.  Find the L by Leyna.  Find a B by Brihanna and more.
They are little so that you have to look!Sometime the tail is the thing you have to look for.
what you are looking for!Leyna,Brihanna,shells,comes.

All About Me

Hi I'm Leyna the mermaid.  I want to tell you abut mermaid growing up.  My morning start with getting my shells and fixing my hair. What dose your morning start with?  The characters in my story are going to help tell the story and tell abut them.  If you have questions find me.  I would like to met you. How many did you times find them?

Now I will tell you the story of how us mermaid grow. 
Once a pone time there was a baby mermaid her name was Leyna.She was sad because she had no friends.UNTIL..... she heard a big wave and up in the big wave came a baby........GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!She became Leyna's friend!!!!!They had fun.  here is a picture of the girls when they older.BUT............they where sad they wish they could find Leyna missing brother.  Here is a picture of Leyna's brother.Find the next books.THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Design Contest Winners By: Mrs. Hall

I remember, as a student in Elementary School and throughout Middle and High School, wondering WHY I had to learn certain subjects.  I often still ask that question during different times in my life... I wonder WHY?  The question WHY?  can be haunting and distracting, so in order to help my understand the WHY?  I often attempt to provide them a real-world answer. 

Which brings me to our Math Project last week... A Design Project.  Last week we discussed perimeter, and geometrical shapes.  We discussed how real world designers use these terms when designing buildings, homes, and even amusement parks.  We decided to then put our design skills to the test.  The pictures are our classroom design winners.  What fun it would be to see their designs one day in real form...

I'm Boing Boing by: Boinger

I'm A Farmer by: Farm Girl

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Imagination By: Mrs. Hall's Classroom

Yesterday, Pastor J came to our classroom to tell us stories with the help of his puppets, Oreo and Zoe...and let's not forget "Pete" the invisible flea.  

Some Lessons Learned:

Our imagination can help us create puppets and other scenarios to keep us entertained.

Our imagination can help us, as readers, better visualize text.

Our imagination can help us, as writers, tell stories.

A tree well-rooted and nourished, flourishes and stands strong. 

We say thank-you to him for taking the time to tell us some great stories, and helping to kick-off our visualization unit!

-Mrs. Hall's Class