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Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
A Good Man By: Dre
Created on`
‘’And I saw a
nice man his name was Mike’’.
‘’He gave me $.’’But he has to pay
The Bills to this lady known as $
Lover’’. But her real name is Susun.’’
‘’And she is upsest with $
and he had no money so
I gave him
back the money and everybody lived
happey ever after.’’ ’’Than the next day
do not want
Tell anather story so
Scaredy Mouse By: Elliot
little guy.
cat is not so cute.
his babies are adorable.
then one day he thought he would “take a walk.”
he did and then that cat came along.
asked, “so mouse what are you doing?”
not going to eat me?”
course not.”
was going to get a cookie.”
I come with you?”
Don't Walk Away From Your Parents By: Zachary
and his parents came from India and went to
At Japan Tiger saw a mouse. Mom and Dad “look
where are you” ? Here. Ahhhhhh ! a bee I have to run “I’m scared. “Where am I
“mom dad
are you.”Its getting dark I need to find
shelter. “I see a camp site “hello “ who is that
your cozen Tigy”well Im lost lets get my mom
dad. “Tiger where are your parents “I’m lost
go find them. I see them mom dad”weve
looking for you”so have I.
Miky and His Friends By: Braydon
my name is Miky. and every day at reces I play with My frends .
when I go home I ride my bike . athter I
ride My bike.
I wach TV . the next day of school it was Friday .
I stayed at my
Grama and grampa .
I envited my frends over to my house .
Then the weekend
was over .I went
back to school. Thar was a
new stewdent . he buled me and
my fr ends . the next day he did itD
. then I told
him it is not nice to builey . enthen
Said yor write . enthen they
became frends.
The Bully By: JR
One day in the tawn sam and jr were playing in the old
house and thin tom came. tom the bully he makes fun ofus.the next day when tom was being mine dad
came dawn stares and dad SEID stop tom ! thin me and tom became
Billy and the Annoying Pig By: Mason
and the annoying pig day billy sall a pig and he piked it up and said I am
going to take it no said his friend yes he said well he took it home and it was
very very very very anoying he said I can’t take it he said I am takeing it back. I am so happy
that I got rid of it. well his friend said I am not happy that you got rid of
it well i wanted to get rid of it so I did. Then billy sall a dog and it was
very very very very very very very very nice.Then he sall a dinosaur and it was
very very very very very very very very mean so I am going to take it home and
I will be abole to relax the end.
Poor DEER by: Ainsley
On a
beautiful day deer got sick his friends
came and said
deer play”
no because he is sick.” So owl chipmunk rabbit skunk left that day they were sad. The next day deer was better he went to find his friends. He asked to
play but his friends said
you are sick”
nu uh” so he went to find his new friend’s turtle and beaver they could play. They
played tag and hide away it was fun then deer’s other friend’s came and They
said to deer you are grouse’’. right before they left they spit. deer’s mom and
dad came and said go away know okay’’.
When deer grew up he told little ones never to bully yes sir said the kids’’. by now said deer’’. THE
Going on a Picnic By: Brilee
hi. Do you know what me and my family are doing today? You don’t. Well I will
tell you we are going on a pick nick. Do you want to come? You do then get your
stuff and let’s go I’ll tell you there names the 18 month old one his name is
Braxton the other ones name is Bryson he is 5 years old. My moms name is Steph
but you call her Mrs. Enyeart she is 41 years old my dads name is Brian but you
call him Mr. Enyeart . Do you want to know what is in the pick nick basket? You
do k. ham and cheese sandwichs’s PBJ chips cheese it ‘s
watermelen gold fish mak and cheez pop corn cheez blue baires and apples friad
apples with sinimin ! are you ready to go ? ok lets go !wate !!! I fergot the
basket ! ok I got all the stuff are you shir ? yes I ‘m shir . ok are you shir
your shir yes. Ok are you shir your . yes now lets go rite now my arm is
herting from holding all of this food .Ok ok lets go miss . kraby pants . ha no
one calls me miss. Crabby pants or they get hert real hert . ha gys I fond the perfiket plas in the
maik forist yammmy that was so
good lets get back be for mom yels at us
End or is it
Brilee Enyeart
Ava the Nice Girl By: Dixie
was a girl named Ava. Ava was a girl who was a nice girl. There was a bully his
name was Dave. Dave bulled Ava. Ava stued up and said ‘’you need to STOP being
a bully. Do you want friends? ‘’ ‘’I I . I will not be a bully.’’ Thank you.
Said Ava. Dave played and didn’t stele the ball.
Ella and Her Book By: Citlali
Ella loved her book.She loved the words
the pictures but mosly the title.Every day she said the title.’But one day her
mom said you have to throw that book away.”No said Ella. But one day she said
ok. So she throuy away the book and every wone was happy every wone epsec for
Ella.She was the sades mouse ever to live in the world.She was very but very
sad.So one day she deside to make bad thinns.She talk bad to her mom and
dad.One day her grama took her to the mall.Her grama bot her a beautiful dres
but she was not happy.The next day was her birthday but she was not happy not
even with her gifts.When the party was over she ran to the bed and nobody ever sall her ever agen not even
her perents.Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!The end
Ava and Alex By: Kadence
..Ava and allex
One day there was a little girl named ava.
Ava was painting a pitcer sodenoly a boy Named allex
tooked her paint brush. He mest up her picter. She was sad. She didn,t say enythag she just Walked quitly out the door. The next day ava was swing allex Push her off the she was mad.
She was cring.She went home that she was getting buled for a week her parens
were upset .
‘’her’’parens sed to her tomarow you needed
to tell him that you need to stop bulling me.
Then you ask him if he has any friend’s if he said
no then ask to be his friend and play with him and you will be best friend’s.
And they lived happily ever after. The End.
Nice at Dance By: Haley
day Sophie went to dance with her
,Meagen, Ava ,and ,Emma.
went to dance practice all Sophies friend’s
there for 30 minutes at hiphop.
had alot of fun Emma and Ava were tierd they had to sit down for a little bit.
Then every body sat down for a wile and had a snack Sophie and Meagen had
cracker’s “thoes were good” said
Meagen. Entil Meagen pusheted Sophie
said Sophie then Sarah came to help ‘’thank you’’ said Sophie. Then Ava came she
you ok yeah’’ Sophie said ‘’but my arm hert’s a little.’’ And all the friends
came to help I feel better now said Sophie ‘’I am sorry I pusheted you’’ said
‘’I am never going to push you agien can we be friends yes I am happy now lets
dance some more I love to dance’’ said sophie then all the auther girls came to
dance ‘’I love to dance to’’ said
Emma and all the girls were so happy they loved to dance from now on.
The End.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Viter helps the earth. By: London
always throws away her water bottle. If Lily sole a water bottle she would pick
it up and throw it away. Then viter moved into the town. She didn’t throw away
her water bottle. Also viter was in Lily’s class. Viter said I don’t need to help the earth. Lily said yes you do. Helping the earth
is inporton. So viter throws away her water bottle.If viter sole a water bottle she would pick it up and throw it
away. Now viter and Lily were friends and when the bell ringed viter and Lily
would walk together.
Emma and Her Best Friends By: Kami
One day
Emma waked up with a smile on her face It
was the first day of school her Mother called her Down for breakfast. She had
Pancakes with Charies on top. Then she was Sooo exited for school that she Couldn’t bush her teeth . When
she got to school she Couldn’t
bush her teeth when she got to school has Bumping into Kayla
& Beth they were exited to.
They said’ ‘do you want to be my friends? I said yes .When they got to class we
meet the Teacher her Name was Miss
Bell. she was very nice. She is from Manchester .The girl that sat next to me
was very
Very very very mean. but the next day we became
Friends THE END
Erika and the Blue Headband By: Noelle
One day Erika was walking to school. She was so exited. She
wants to meet her new friends and her teacher. The next day she meet Emily Jason
Emma and Mike. Her teacher was very nice his name is Mr.Walt and Mrs. Walt they
are very nice. She plays with them every day. She always were her blue head
band she were it to church she were it to school. And her mom said were a
different head band were your pink head band you always where that head band. I
love my blue head band. I got that
blue head band from my grandma. so I where it every day. You were it want to where my red head band. She it
to school. Then she were her blue head band. Then they had a pick nick Erika
where her blue headband.
I’m a truck driver by: Grant
The truck is busy at work. The tractor is like the good
machines. I am busy at work. The tractor is busy at the field. The tractor is not busy anymore. THE TRACTOR BROKE DOWN A TOWTRUCK CAME
Sam's Book By: Ava
Sam and his friend luck were rideing
there bikes
friend luck said can I ride your bike no said
.Can I read your book no said am why said luck. Couse it is new I just got it yesterday were
you get it at kohols .I went there
did not see you there yesterday. That’s couse I
befor you got there .I sole sum
one there hoo
like you .I was not there yesterday said
Look sam hoo is that I am sashae I’m the
Quine of the town .but we never had a
Quine. I don’t care said sashae we care. no
eles care’s. who care’s we do. stop said
Im the one hoo started this so Im the one
is going to end it. lets be frindes said sam
luck. Ok said sashae. the next
sole som one that they never sole before.
bob bob yes bob why do you have a problem
that no ok. The end
How Bomy Changed by: Simon
Bomy steeled Reies car. Soofey got
in trubl. She seid I did not do it
Bomey Did it. Bomy did you steel reassis car no he problee iost it you have it in your HAND!!!!!!! you are in big trurbl .25 years later bomey
robd a banke a plees cot him he poot him in jale. Bomeys bruthr and sister came and said you can get out
of Jale if you stop steeling. I wonte Steel inee more . That is what he said
that’s what he did .he nether steeled agin .the end.
To Share By: Hanna
“Hi Beletu. How you doing?” Hanna
“Grat” said Beletu.
I do your sowing maker ples ples ples” I said ples .So what can I?” asked Hanna.
“Hanna it is time to go to bed”.Said Hidy
“But Mom Beletu did not anser my qwushtin yet” Said Hanna.
“ GO TO BED NOW” !!!!!! Said Hidy
“Fine what ever you say.I will
do for you so you will be happy”.Said Hanna
not tomareow I will get it. HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Said Hanna
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Mayor Fire By: Gage
There was a monster named fire. Why was his name Fire? Because his head was on fire!Two years later he became
mean to Fairy Man. Because he didn’t pay his rent. Then two minutes later fire begin to walk down the road.
Then fairy man said
“please please please please let me stay please!
“ Then Fire said fine but next time pay your rent” “Okey Dokey!”
The end.
Monday, November 24, 2014
The class point party will be on the 11th! Grandparents' Day is the 12th... Please make sure you send in any treats for the party on the 11th or sooner! Thanks for the great response!
-Mrs. Hall
-Mrs. Hall
Friday, November 21, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Spelling Words.... for November 14th:)
Focus: Contractions
Friday, October 31, 2014
Have a Great Weekend...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Go -Carts Race
Becca ,Jessi, Micheal , Erica, and I raced on go- carts . We raced to my grandpas sand coarse 10 mile away. Micheal had a dirt bike, Becca had a Red go-cart, Jessi had a Blue go-cart, Erica had a Yellow go-cart, I had a Black go-cart with Red flames. We took off. Becca YELLED MICHEAL let us catch up! Micheal stopped now i,m IN the lead. i said then it was Jessi next Becca after Erica last Micheal. Jessi got in front of me Micheal got in front of Becca,and Erica Becca passis Micheal. Jessi won me second Becca 3 place micheal 4 place Eica 5 place.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
A Small Moment By: Mrs. Hall
Stories happen to each of us daily, whether it is at a resturant, during recess, or during a drive home from school. Each and everyday is a story, the only difference between what happens and what is written is whether it gets on paper. Pretty simple?
However, it is hard for our students to see that even the simplest of situations are worth telling. Many times our kids think their stories need to be elaborate pieces of work. The magic of writing is realizing that our mundain lives might serve as a lesson to others.
Our first writing assignment is about a small moment. Please be brainstorming with your child about a sweet, sad, funny, or memorable small moment in their lives. Some examples:
The purpose of this writing assignment is to establish a concrete understanding of a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end and to tell something about themselves. We are keeping it simple...
However, it is hard for our students to see that even the simplest of situations are worth telling. Many times our kids think their stories need to be elaborate pieces of work. The magic of writing is realizing that our mundain lives might serve as a lesson to others.
Our first writing assignment is about a small moment. Please be brainstorming with your child about a sweet, sad, funny, or memorable small moment in their lives. Some examples:
A time at a resturant
Going to the drive-in
A scary storm
Buying a new pet
Going on a Bike Ride
Making Cookies
The purpose of this writing assignment is to establish a concrete understanding of a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end and to tell something about themselves. We are keeping it simple...
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Rubric of "A Small Moment" |
Friday, August 22, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
It Begins... By: Mrs. Hall
Welcome to another year of "Writing to Inspire".... These past two days have been just perfect. We are busy learning how to be the best listeners we can be! Today's lesson was accompanied by Interrupting Chicken by: David Ezra Stein. Afterwards, we practiced what it means to be a great listener... wow. We have quite a group of GREAT listeners.... as you can see...
Noelle listens as London reads... no "interrupting chickens" in this room! |
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Farewell 2013-2014 School Year... Hello Summer...
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Mrs. Hall's Class of 2013-2014 |
This year is a hard one to say good-bye to... This group of children is so special to me.
Class of 13-14... You are going to rock 3rd grade. I am so proud of each of you as you have developed as readers, writers, thinkers, mathematicians, and scientists. You have explored, read, created, and read some more this year and life as a reader is just now taking off! Keep reading this summer! I'll see you on the 23rd!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
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