Sophie is a little mouse. She loves dogs!! Her family doesn't love dogs as much as she does...but one day she found a dog she loved but... It was not pink so she did not exactly love it but... She had collection of spray point so she could fix that! "Mom dad can I have a dog"Sophie asked?" "No!" said her mom. "no!"said her dad. THEN....she got an idea "I'll make the money my self!"Sophie yelled. "shh!"said mom."shh!"said dad. then at the same time they said. "shh you'll wake up the babies. they said in a quit voices."I wanted a dog!"Sophie mumbled.
so she waited and waited and waited and waited and waited!
Then she thought of a idea!"I'll ask my mom and dad again.The answer was still no.Then her mom said "come with me Sophie"said her mom."why"asked Sophie."Because I want to talk to you."said her mom."I want to tell you a story"said her mom. "when I was a little girl about your age I loved dogs to and I ask my mom and dad for a dog but...they said no because they didn't have the money. I was sad to mom had the same talk with me. So sense I wanted a dog! "mom met me at the couch and bring dad to!" "So what's going on Sophie?" I have a idea that's was up!""So are you going to tell us?""Yes." said Sophie. "My idea is to have a bake sale." Sophie said."Good idea Sophie." said mom. So they bake and bake and bake. After they made lemonade and made lemonade and made lemonade. Then they made donuts and made donuts and made donuts. last they had fun and had fun and had fun!"I love you mom and dad a lot." said Sophie. "We love you too a lot."mom and dad said.Then they had the bake sale.I was fun.' I got the money I got the money!" Sophie So she bot the dog said.