Friday, November 22, 2013



Do you know what soap stands for? It means Save Our Animals And Plants. 

 One thing you can do to help is if you see a stray dog or cat that looks hungry than feed it.  Or you could go to a nearby woods and build a kennel and a fence for it.

If find a white corn snake  in the winter it's a blizzard corn snake.  Make sure you put it in a Tupperware box with a wet paper towel and a water dish.

Another way to help is to plant more flowers and trees.  If you ever see a stray, adopt it.  Give it food, water, and love.  Jaguars are very endangered species.  Also,  copper butterflies are endangered.               



S.O.A.P now or never!

1 comment:

  1. I love animals and would be happy to help a stray, but I think I will leave the snake where I find it. I will probably even leave it very quickly and very loudly (because I will be running away and screaming). Thank you for helping animals by telling other people what they can do to help them.
