Monday, April 30, 2012

Once upon a time there was a dog named under dog.

he is a super hero.

he can fly.

Underdog said have no fear underwear is here.

I mean  underdog is  here.

And  then  he    fell  hard  to  the  ground  to  save  his  girlfriend
Her  owner got  took  by  a  bugler.

Shes  alright

Meanwhile  at  the  white  house  the  evil  villan   hooked  her  up   to  exploseves.

Underdog  help!She  said.

Underdog  said  again 

Have  no fear  underwear  is  here.

I  mean   underdog  is  here.

Chapter 2  the  fight.

Then  he  had  to  fight  mr  evil.

He  used  his  super  powers.

If  you  say  they  are  but  they  arn,t.