Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Once Upon A Time... By: Horse Girl

I dedicate this book to my mom...

 Once upon a time there lived a stepmother and evil stepbrothers  And you can't for get  the princess.  They lived in a cottage.  Then they found out they were going to the ROYAL pool!! 

Priness Lilly had nothing to wear.  But fairy Hadley, the fairy god mother, came to see her!  And POOF!!  She put her in the most pretty swiming sute!  But fairy Hadley said you have to be back at midnight! If not the spell will be brocken!  She did't like that!!!  

So they went and the stepbrothers were sooooooooooo bad at swiming! But.... Lilly was NOT!  Lilly won! They never saw the evil stepmother and the evil step brother again!!  

And thats my story!!!  THE END!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm Flying, I'm Soring, By: Christmas

My Fist Song Lyrics:

I'm flying.I'm soring.
The cold days are rolling in.
So I need to keep going until I get there, 
And I can't wait until I get there,
 Becauce I'm coming home. 
Playing all day till the sun comes out.  
Making newfriends. 
Just  making new frineds.
 All yaaaaaaa. 
Just making new friends. 
Having fun all day

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Candyland By:Peach

Once upon a time there where 4 girls named  Jenell, Britney,Bella, and Hadley . They where in   Candyland  they  wanted  to go  to  the candy castle. So they went along on there way they saw a  licorish
forest  and liked  the licorish. And they stoped  and knocked on the door and  went in when they went in
they saw a peanut dog. They are half way there almost there YAY!!! where  here  they  shouted. I,m  hungry  said  Bella,  and  Hadley so  they  knocked. They  said  come  in.Then  Jenell,and   Britney  said  i,m  hungry. they  lived  hapiley  ever  after.  The  end

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Cabin Fever, By: Lovebug

I am reading Diary of the Wimpy Cabin Fever!  When Greg gets cabin fever I think of my little brother because he has cabin fever!  When Greg gets a doll for Christmas I mean he's a BOY well, he lost the doll and he was upset!!!!  It reminds me of when I lost my FAVORITE toy.  I felt sad!!!  Greg knows a Mr. Underwood, and I know a Mr. Underwood!  If I compared the two Mr. Underwoods they are similar because they are both basketball coaches...

Thanks for listening to my text to self connection!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

U.S.Army By, Quetionman

What I smelled while reading U.S Army

A rusty old tank

A battel feld 



Desetroued bildings

Derty men

Swety man



Old stuf


Derty canuns




Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sophie's Masterpiece, By Tulip


                                                                   A book about feelings

          Sophie is a spider who is a artist .  She likes to make stuff out of her web.  Then the day came that every spider has to do, Sophie had to find a diferent home.  She moved to Beekmens Boardinghouse.  Then one day the landlady noticed her and screamed.  So Sophie moved to a diferent place in Beekmans Boardinghouse.  She moved to a tugboat captains closet.  Then he saw her and went out the window on to the roof!!!!    Then Sophie went to a nother  room and the lady saw her and smiled and then the lady went on and was knitting booties cause she was going to have a baby.  By now Sophie is old and can not do as much things. Sophie saw her trying to make a baby blanket then Sophie heard something it was a little baby crying.  The baby blanket was not finished Sophie got a idea she made a baby blanket out of her web then it was night time.  Sophie just finished the blanket and then the lade saw it and put it on her baby!!

My Thoughts:  I would be happy at the end because she made a blanket for the baby, when she was older.  I love this part because she put her heart into it!  I can connet with her character becasue my grandma puts her heart into quilts.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, By: Button


Begining: The wolf was making a cake for his grandma but he ran out of surgur so hes going to borrow
some from the 1st pig and he also has the sniffles.

Middle: He acedently sneezes and  killed the 1st pig so he ate him! Then he went to the 2nd pigs house
to get a cup of sugur but he sneezed and killed that pig to! So he ate the 2nd pig and then the wolf goes to the third pig's house... to find out what happens next read, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs!

Connections and Thoughts:
I would go crazy if someone talks to my grandmother like the wolf did!

I wouldn't leave food out in the middle of nowhere either.

Of course I like to prank, too!

By:  Button

Can You Keep a Secret?, By: Santa

Once upon a time there lived a boy that eveybody can trust. Every body told him there secrets. Then he put them in a magic box. One day the magic box EXPLODED.
"Oh no," said the boy, "I must catch them. But how?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I got it.  I will try to make a new magic box and then catch them."
"Or I could do this," said a girl. Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch. the end.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

QR Codes, By: Mrs. Hall

We just got a QR, here it is above.  Pretty sweet, huh?!  What is a QR?  I'll be demonstrating shortly...  Be looking for QR codes on our weekly newsletters!

I'm Away Today... By: Mrs. Hall

I'm away today (with Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Singleton, and Mr. Eichenauer) learning how to incorporate more technology into our classroom.  What an amazing way to help our students express their voice...  Our world is changing... and if I am going to be effective, I must be relevant.

I can't wait to get back and share the ideas shared by my new friend, Ruth Ayres.

Check out Ruth on her blog!  You'll see her blog on the right hand side of this page... and my dear friend, Mary Helen Gensch, both excellent relevant educators...enjoy!

Until tomorrow...
Mrs. Hall with Mr. Eichenauer....being very studious :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas is Here, By Skippy Jon Jones

Christmas is here, Christmas is here  All the joy and all the laughter will soon fill the air...

Is Christmas here???

When Pigs Fly, By: Ricky

A long time ago there was a pig on the top of a barn.

A farmer went on the top of the barn he pushed off the pig

he flew!

It was marvles.

O dang it--- I ran out of oink.


The Night Sounds, By: Sweet Cakes

I can hear the wind.  I can here the branches ruselin.  I can here the river rushen. Then the sound fades away now...

I don't know what I can hear any more.  Then...I here something keeps getting louder and louder...I can hear

I can here the sound of the night.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just a little Poem, By:Lovebug

Dazys are yellow Rozes are red see a little flower in the meadows,
Cows in the corn the sheep are asleep the horese in the hay stack fast asleep.!

Matilda, By: Princess

I'm smelling things in books...
I smell books. I smell excitement in books. I smell reading in books.
I smell awsomeness in books. I smell pleasure in books.

Fall, By: Daisy

In Fall I love to jump in leaves
that's what makes me very pleased

I love the way the wind blows
that's what makes my hair go

"Miss Nelson is Back", By: Roxis

I am reading Miss Nelson is Back.  I sense a spring dress,   A sweaty class.  A scent of a new persen.  I
vision something the kids are going to do.  I hear the sound of a projector.  I sense a plastic mask.  I here the sound of a phone ringing.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Black Lagoon, By: Button

A Teacher's Current Reads...By: Mrs. Hall

I read everyday.
Some days I just read a text message.
Some days I read several texts, a recipe, and a magazine ad, and read over my lesson plans.
Then there are days when I am allowed to dive deep into reading that I absolutely love.  

Call me a nerd, but there is no greater reading than reading about what I love... and that is teaching!  Currently, I am re-reading, Reading with Meaning, by Debbie Miller and Growing Readers, by Kathy Collins.  Both books filled with research based ideas to build my Reader's and Writer's workshop mini lessons... One research based finding, found in Reading with Meaning (and in several other research based educational books), is that... "Proficient readers create visual and other sensory images from text during and after reading" (Pressley 1976).  After reading this, I came across several mini lesson ideas using Kathy Collin's book on visualizing while reading.  Making movies in our mind and jumping into a book is what all great readers do....  It just so happens that my class is full of great readers....

Please enjoy the images of my student's visualizations as they post.  Also, in this mix, will be a series of documentations that include what the students are touching, seeing, feeling, smelling, and hearing as they read...

New Kid From The Black Lagoon

I can smell...  
gas oxygen
rubber slobbery goose feathers
bad breath

What I'm Smelling While Reading...By: Lexi

Lexi's Book of Choice
While reading, Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig, I am smelling:
Derty pigs-   House-      Mr. Watson-    Mrs.   Watson-  Sewer-  Lemonade- Sour  Lemons-    Baby-  Lincoln -yard  Eugenia

Dirty Shuvis      Snout      Clean  air    Beautyful flowers   ground.

What I'm Smelling While I'm Reading...By: Lexi

 I am reading Mercy Watson thinks like a pig.   Selly pigs  Hous

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Dubles Rap, By: Trex.

It's the dubles rap baby
let's go
let's go
its the dubles rap
and we will start with zero
 zero plus zero ecwels
zero ho
1 plus1 ecwels
2 hoo
2 plus 2 ecwels 4
or 3 plus 3 ecwels 6 stiks
4 plus 4 ecwels 8 that's great
 5 plus 5 ecwels 10
agen 6 plus 6 ecwels 12 thats swell
7 plus7 ecwels 14
really think 8 plus 8 ecwels 16  jely bean
9 plus 9 ecwels18 really keen
1Oplus 1O ecwels 20

That's plenty!


THE END    cani get some thing to eat .

Monday, November 21, 2011

"Some Birthday" By: Patricia Polacco

Patrica thought that everyone had forgotten her birthday.  Her family went about their day as if it were any normal day.  Then Patricia, her dad, brother, and cousin went camping to look for monsters...during their trip no one bothered to mention ANYTHING about Patricia's birthday.

After an exciting monster hunt, Patricia discovered the family hadn't forgotten her birthday after all!  The family served Patricia a grand birthday celebration, even her seaweed covered dad...

Read Some Birthday to hear more about Patricia's eventful day!

---Mrs. Hall's Class

State Standards(...if you're curious:): 
RL.5:  Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the story

2.5.6: Write Responces to Literature thatt deomonstrate an understanding of what is read, support statements with evidence from the text.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Poem for You, By: Brittany

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I might feel vicious
 BUT I love you.

Turkey, By: Santa

Seasons, By Tulip

The leaves are falling in fall hurray, hurray
The snow is falling in winter hurray, hurray
The kids are splashing in the water in summer hurray, hurray
The flowers are sprouting in spring hurray, hurray                          

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Tank Comes Through, By: QuestionMan


"I am reporting about tanks.  Tanks have good armor, and not even a bullet can desetroey a tank".  But when it comes to altery it is very very very effective!

 "Some altery pieces can desetrorey a tank in one shot!"

  The End

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fish by Candy

Splash  slash.
What  is  that
That  is a
fish in  the
Lets  go

Friday, November 11, 2011

Deep,Deep Snow, By Ricky

All that deep,deep,deep snow
All that snow had to go.

You Will LOVE This Book

We don't just kinda like books in this room, we LOVE them!  We inhale them daily during "Reader's Workshop".  Just take a look at one "Reader's Workshop" (pinterest inspired, might I add) activity that keep my students mindful of others, and WRITING about their reading...

Indiana State Standard:  2.5.6

Along with this, the students also write book reviews, to friends, while reflecting on the book's main idea, characters, and setting!

Shortly, you will be reading many of the student's book reviews, we hope to inspire you to pick up the book!

A Perfect Day, By: Button

Roses  are  red
   Violets  are  blue,
   I  might  be   vicious
 but  I  love  you.

The  sun is  shining
and  a girl  is  crying.
 I  ask   her  if   she  wants  to   play,
she  says   yes
so  its  a   perfect day.

My Brothers And My Pets, By: Tulip

I have a fish his name is Swimy I got him from Fun Fest.  I have another fish his name is Goldy.  I got it from my friend Megan, she got it from Fun Fest.  I have a dog her name is Lucy she is a baset hound.  I have another dog, her name is Molly she is a black lab.  I have a brother his name is Jerermy.  Jeremy is in cross country.  He has brownish hair.  He has glasses and brases. He got nominated for home coming!!  I have another brother his name is Justin.  He does football.  He has brownish hair.  He has glasses.

If I had to choose between my fish and my brothers...I'd choose...


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chicken, By: Daisy


your so crispy in
my tummy
let's all say
yummy yummy!

Dasies, By: Princess

Two dasies fly in the sky
 hoping that some day
 they will touch the ground..
 and be crowned
king and queen of the dasies

My Sisters by: T-Rex

My sister are so nice. We played games and we jump in leaf piles!  We ride bikes together.  We jog togever.  We read togever,   We play togever.  We woch tv togever.  We play with toys togever   and some real stuff like go karts and race tracks. That's my story!

 The end.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Welcome Readers!

Hello! We are so glad that you have taken the time to check us out!  In the coming weeks, we will be sharing our stories, poems, and thoughts about our reading!