Thursday, December 4, 2014

Going on a Picnic By: Brilee

“Oh hi. Do you know what me and my family are doing today? You don’t. Well I will tell you we are going on a pick nick. Do you want to come? You do then get your stuff and let’s go I’ll tell you there names the 18 month old one his name is Braxton the other ones name is Bryson he is 5 years old. My moms name is Steph but you call her Mrs. Enyeart she is 41 years old my dads name is Brian but you call him Mr. Enyeart . Do you want to know what is in the pick nick basket? You do k. ham and cheese sandwichs’s PBJ chips cheese it ‘s
strawbaires watermelen gold fish mak and cheez pop corn cheez blue baires and apples friad apples with sinimin ! are you ready to go ? ok lets go !wate !!! I fergot the basket ! ok I got all the stuff are you shir ? yes I ‘m shir . ok are you shir your shir yes. Ok are you shir your . yes now lets go rite now my arm is herting from holding all of this food .Ok ok lets go miss . kraby pants . ha no one calls me miss. Crabby pants or they get hert real hert  . ha gys I fond the perfiket plas in the maik forist  yammmy that was so good lets get back be for mom yels at us

the End or is it

by Brilee Enyeart

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